Thursday 12 December 2013

Defaced Final Script


[Opens with a long shot of the entrance to the mental asylum. The shot alternates between long shots and medium shots of the asylum corridors, with the alternates between the shots of LILLY in the corridors. The effect of Sepia is used to show the alternate time periods and the diegetic sound effect of matches being stuck is used to show the change in scenes. It then moves to a medium shot of Lilly on the floor of a room, with drawings surrounding her. It changes to a medium close up of her hands lighting matches and of her blowing them out. The camera cuts to a close up of the match as its being struck; the camera then pans down as the match falls to the ground into a puddle of petrol. It then cuts to a blurred point of view shot of the corridor where patients are running with the sounds of screaming echoed in the background. The camera cuts to a medium low shot of a patient sitting against the wall, blood dripping from his head and arm where he has been attacked. The shot alternates between the shot of him and a medium two shot of the patient and someone else’s legs. The camera cuts and pans down to a staircase where there is a dead patient laying with a pool of blood under her head, with shoe marks on her face. It then cuts to a low medium shot of LILLY in the field running with three other patients, with the sound of heavy breathing in parallel to the sound of sirens in the background.]

Title Sequence – IN A VILLAGE

[The scene opens with a medium long shot of a car moving down a drive way. It cuts to CHARLOTTE who is slowly reading a newspaper, and though we cannot hear her speaking we know from her expression that she is concerned]

CHARLOTTE [mumbles looking off out the window] …And it was burnt down one year ago, only a few patients escaped and were never found.

[The camera pans and shows the other group members; MARK, who is sat next to CHARLOTTE driving and SARAH and LEWIS in the back holding hands whilst giggling under their breathes.

LEWIS [holding SARAH’S hand, leans in to her] Ooh, and we’re staying the night nearby, scary…

[SARAH looking over at LEWIS, smiling, LEWIS leans in and tickles her, they both laugh]

[The camera cuts to a medium shot of the car driving then quickly cuts to a low angle medium shot of the trees and road ahead of them before returning to the car. There is a slight slow motion to this shot as if to emphases the happiness of the situation. It then cuts to a medium two shot of the couple holding hands and then cuts to a close up of the hands. It quickly cuts to a close up of MARKS driving; his expression is slightly confused, similar to that of CHARLOTTE.]

Title Sequence – THERE IS A SECRET

[There is a high angle long shot of the village. It then cuts to a medium shot of the car parking. CHARLOTTE is the first to emerge from the car. There is a medium close up on her face and the camera pans as she looks around.]

CHARLOTTE [Point of view shot of the park square]: Wow, its quiet…

[Close up on the swing as it moves back and forth overlapped with the diegetic sound of a rusty swing]

MARK [Over the shoulder shot of CHARLOTTE looking off at the park, whilst MARK focuses on something in the distance, again MARK looks confused as if he has been there before]: You’re telling me…Charlotte, do you know anything about this place?

[Before CHARLOTTE can speak SARAH interrupts her]

SARAH [Cuts to a medium shot of her holding hands with LEWIS as she emerges from the car. Camera pans as she moves with LEWIS, bags in hand.] : I think it looks cute. [It then cuts to a wide shot of the group moving towards the B&B through the park] Let’s go and get our room…

[Close up of B&B sign and then darkness. It then cuts to a medium shot of LEWIS and SARAH in the bedroom of the B&B. LEWIS is standing behind Sarah with his arms wrapped around her. They then move so that LEWIS is facing her sideways to the camera.]

 [Cuts to a medium shot of MARK standing outside of a caravan, alternating between him and the door. The shot of the door is a medium shot. As the door opens there is a medium shot of the gap in the door, revealing small streams of light. It cuts between scenes of MARK slowly walking into and down the corridor of the caravan. There is a focusing on the surroundings to display the idea of something forgotten. There is suddenly a fast paced cut of a negative image which trembles into the next cut of what appears to be MARK, dressed in a white t-shirt, sitting in the corner of the caravan hall, head buried in his knees, surrounded by bloody handprints, leaves and puddles. MARK reaches for the blood in a close up, as if he believes he is in a dream. There is then a distorted extreme close up of MARK’S finger with blood on it, which returns back to normal, MARK backs away in fright]

MARK [Medium shot of MARK as he looks at the double of himself. MARK is supposed to portray a look of confusion as if he believes he has gone mad.] : Hello?! Are you alright?

[There is no reply from the double MARK. Shot changes to a high angle medium shot of double MARK.]

DOUBLE MARK [rocking back and forth. His speech is fast and mumbled. Sometimes looks around him quickly, paranoid]: No more faces, no more faces

[It then cuts to medium shot of the double MARK looking up at MARK. MARK then crouches down in an over the shoulder medium shot.]

MARK [MARK stretches out his arm to touch double MARK]: What the hell is this, how can you be me? [Cuts to a close up of double MARKS face as he cries out as if in pain, backing quickly into the corner of the caravan]

DOUBLE MARK [panicked and scared, clenching his arms, then turns to MARK in moment of suspense]: Leave now, you shouldn’t have come here, RUN! [MARK runs from the caravan as the double of MARK screams]

Title Sequence: THIS FALL

[Cuts to LEWIS opening the door.]

LEWIS [hushed tone]: Sarah, are you okay?

[There is a medium shot of SARAH looking out of the window. LEWIS moves closer towards her, and puts his hand on her shoulder.]

LEWIS [slightly concerned]: Sarah?

[The camera shows SARAH with blood on her neck and the camera pans down to show a knife in her hand. The scene then changes to a shot of MARK and CHARLOTTE talking to one another in a rushed manner.]

CHARLOTTE [Scared]: I thought I saw someone…there was someone behind you.


[Shot shifts to MARK and the fake LEWIS fighting. There is a medium shot of the two with knifes at each other’s throats. The cutting rating is fast as the scene alternates between the fight and CHARLOTTE running.]

MARK [voice over]: Why are they doing this to us?!

It the cuts to LEWIS tied up with blood on his wrists screaming for help and the shadowy figure in the background with an axe. Cuts to LEWIS and MARK on the floor fighting then shifts to a quiet scene with CHARLOTTE out of breathe looking around with a camera.]

CHARLOTTE [scared and out of breath]: Is someone there?! Mark? Lewis?

[Changes to a medium shot of CHARTLOTTE with hands around her waist then quickly cuts to her on the floor being dragged away. Ends with her screaming as her eyes stares off into the camera.]


Title Sequence: FEAR HAS A NEW FACE