Friday 11 October 2013

Trailer Plot Draft 1

Montage of shots of the asylum and big close ups of some of the patients open the trailer, divided by the company logos. Tension in the soundtrack builds as a lit match falls to the floor, suddenly fire and running is heard.

Tension settles as we are introduced to the group with the first shot of the newspaper article of the fire at the asylum, and brief dialogue between the group on their car journey to the nearby village, whereby the audience discover this is set one year later.

(Title sequence)

They arrive at the village, but it becomes apparent that it is mostly deserted. They check in to a Bed and Breakfast and decide to explore the town.

(Title sequence)

Mark finds an open door in the house leading to a basement, where he sees an imaginary figure of himself in a straitjacket and looking unwell, who informs him that the village is a "lie" and that he should leave as he and his friends are in danger.

Cut to Charlotte looking at the local newspaper which matches the date after the fire

Cut to the group looking for Sarah, Lewis breaks off from them and searches for her, jump cut to their room in the B&B where he sees her looking out the window and goes behind her to hug her, she turns to reveal her newly scarred face and a menacing smile and cut to black.

Lewis awakes, with pen marker on his face, strapped to a table and looks either side to see people in the same restraints. He screams for help.

(Title sequence)

Montage of shots, again divided by title sequences, showing the danger scenes throughout the plot including the cornfield running, the interlocked weapons with Mark and Lewis and very briefly and dimly, a shot of Lily with little facial tissue.

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