Thursday 20 March 2014

Defaced Movie Poster Main Image

For my movie poster I wanted to capture the sinister and grotesqueness of the main villain. I began sketching ideas for my poster with these qualities in mind. I decided to have Lilly portrayed with pieces of her face falling off giving the idea of gore being associated with the film. When drawing I also wanted the image to be a close up of her face with parts of her hair concealing her right side so that there is some mystery behind the character. When i finally took my photo for the poster I knew I could do more with the image so I decided to edit it in Adobe Photoshop. After last year I didn't believe I could actually edit an image the way I had envisioned as I used to find it hard to simply remove the background to a photo. However I took it upon myself to expand my knowledge and played around with the different settings on Adobe Photoshop until I felt comfortable enough to start editing my main photo. At first I changed the contrast of certain areas on her face, hoping to bring out shadows more to make her look more monstrous and evil, however I found that my model still had a somewhat healthy glow to her face, even after applying makeup. So I decided to change parts of her skin to black and white, similarly to that of my AS music magazine front cover. Unlike before though, I kept certain parts of her face where there was blood red. This was because I wanted the focus to be on the gore of the poster, rather than the person. By changing her skin tone to black and white her identity seemed to change, which was what I wanted. Less did she look like a sixth form student wearing horror makeup, but rather a psychotic, almost demonic female who unlike most people who would look pained and scared after having most of their skin removed looked fearless and twisted. Again I played around with the contrasts and colour of the image so that the area under her eye looked darker, as well as her eyebrows and lips. As well as this I made her hair darker, and eyes black. I felt like I was getting closer to the image I wanted, but I still needed something. That's when I decided after revisiting my original sketches to involve fire into the photo. The end result being small flames around the neck and hair, as well as a reflection of flames in her eye. I made sure to pay attention to detail and changed parts of the fire to darker tones and created tiny embers coming off the flames. 

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