Wednesday 27 November 2013

Script - Begining Scenes

[Opens with a long shot of the entrance to the mental asylum. The shot alternates between long shots and medium shots of the asylum corridors, with the alternates between the shots of LILLY in the corridors. The effect of Sepia is used to show the alternate time periods and the diegetic sound effect of matches being stuck is used to show the change in scenes. It then moves to a medium shot of Lilly in a hospital bed, with pictures and drawings around her. It changes to a medium close up of her hands lighting matches and blowing them out. The camera cuts to a close up of the match as its being struck; the camera then pans down as the match falls to the ground and falls into a puddle of petrol. It then cuts to a blurred point of view shot of the corridor where patients are running with the sounds of screaming echoed in the background. The camera pans down where there is a dead patient laying with a pool of blood under his head, with shoe marks on his face. It then cuts to a low medium shot of LILLY in the field running with three other patients, with the sound of heavy breathing in parallel to the sound of sirens in the background.]

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