Saturday 10 May 2014

Drafts Of Horror Magazine

For my horror magazine I wanted to copy the conventions of the popular movie magazine Empire because of its layout, taglines, masthead and colour scheme. For the main images I used adobe photoshop to alter the two characters facial structure slightly as well as their colour's, so that they fitted the conventions related to the horror genre. I changed the contrast, the colour scheme and altered the makeup effect on both characters to make them look more sinister. I also use only two characters from my movie as it is conventional to have at least one character being interviewed in a magazine. As well as this i used a faded forest background as a forest is an iconic image in horror films as well as being important to the plot of my movie. The two characters create a code of enigma as we don't know who they are in relation to the movie or why they're like this. As well as this the tagline "Fear has a new face" makes the audience want to see the movie as well as read the article. The magazine almost seems to promote the movie as being a new type of horror genre which will become iconic in years to come.
created a "plus" section as this is a common convention i found in empire magazine. It focused on different trailers and movies so that it portrayed the genre type I wanted to be associated with my magazine.
As well as this I used multiple taglines which were conventional of a magazine and would also help promote the magazine. Things such as "Superman Vs Batman" would help create a wider audience for my magazine as i shows that it doesnt just focus on one type of genre.

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