Wednesday 7 May 2014

Jennifer's Body


Jennifer's Body is a black horror comedy that was released in 2009. The films Unique selling point would have to be the two main actresses, Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, who have been in popular mainstream movies such as Mama Mia and Transformers.
The film was created by 20th Century Fox, so people assume the film is going to be of a high quality and will attract audiences because of this.
The film focuses on the theme of demonic entities and broken friendships, which is shown in the establishing shot at the beginning on the trailer where we see Jennifer swimming across a lake in the middle of nowhere, whilst the non-diegetic soundtrack is bridged over it, which suggests the genre of the film. This is also suggested through the reflection of the forest on the surface of the lake, as the dark overtones could symbolize how darkness has taken over Jennifer.
The inter titles suggest that the film is going to be about teenagers in high school, and because of this the film is targeted at an audience of the same age. The fade effect used on the inter-titles creates a sense of tension and creates mystery around the characters.
Jennifer, in a long shot shows her to stand out against everyone else, mainly because of her costume as it is bright pink. The contrast of colours and her body language suggests she is flirtatious and gives us a sense of who her character is. During this scene, Jennifer, has a direct mode of address with the audience, making us feel as though we are apart of this world.
The main focus of the trailer shows how Jennifer charms men into being alone with her then suggests she kills or attacks them. During one of the scenes her eyes change to a white colour and in medium shot we can see her shadow change into some sort of demonic monster and again suggests she kills someone. This links to the genre of the film as being a horror whilst other scenes such as the dialogue between Jennifer and her friend when she says "I go both ways" suggests a more humorous side to the horror and plays on sexuality as a form of audience titillation and rumors about the celebrity.  
The colours in the trailer are conventional of horror films, as there is a strong use of reds and black to suggest the horror genre and foreshadowing danger for the characters. As well as this the lighting used is minimal so the trailer seems more raw and conventional of a horror film.
There is an enigma of how Jennifer became the way she is. A scene that plays on this enigma is a medium shot of Jennifer burning her tongue. We as an audience know that if you did this you would be in pain and burnt, however Jennifer doesn't seem to feel this and after in the close up of her mouth, her tongue is fine. This is used to shock the audience whilst also being arousing, since the focus on her lips and clothing is made to look almost sexual.

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