Tuesday 6 May 2014

In Fear Trailer Analysis


In fear was released in 2013. It is an Irish  psychological horror film directed and written by Jeremy Lovering.
The film focuses on two characters, Tom and Lucy, who decide to go on a trip to a secluded hotel. The main focus on horror is when the two characters are in the car, as moral conflicts seem to arise between the two. The opening scene of the trailer is conventional, as it shows an establishing shot of the location the film is set in, so the audience gets a sense of where they are. The non diegetic soundtrack played over the action in the trailer adds suspense and helps build up to the break in the equilibrium. The break is conventional as the scenes become faster and to mimic this the soundtrack becomes louder yet the dialogue, which during the beginning of the trailer was long and established the characters, was towards the end shorter and more effective. The code of enigma in this trailer would be who the man was who got hit by the car, how did Lucy's clothes get in the middle of the road, and is Tom behind these strange events. 
The trailer's unique selling point would have to be the fact that it is an Irish horror, which is uncommon among the film industry. As well as this the female actress is also well known in other teenage films, such as "Beautiful Creatures" which was an American blockbuster that was successful in both the UK and the USA. 
The trailer is also conventional as it shows iconic images such as close ups of eyes, blood, locations such as a forest and the scream at the end of the trailer, which is used to create a physical reaction from the audience. 
What was effective about the trailer was the inter-titles used to promote the film such as, "the best British chiller since the Descent."
The trailer alternates between medium close ups and medium shots throughout the trailer. An example of this is during the scene when both Tom and Lucy are standing outside the car in the forest. The scene cuts quickly to a long shot of the car with the diegetic sound of the cars alarm going off. This scene is effective in portraying the themes of the horror genre as it is unexpected and creates a sense of enigma as we as an audience don't know why this has happened. 
Both Tom and Lucy portray stereotypical characters. Lucy is seen to be fragile, however the break in this stereotype is that she seems more intelligent than Tom. Although in contrast to this when she says "Ti saw someone" Tom ignores her. Tom is made out to be a dominating character as he is very demanding of Lucy and often leaves her in the car, perhaps to create this illusion that he is her knight in shinning armor
The trailer lasts two minutes which is also conventional of horror trailers and is vague about the plot. 

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