Sunday 29 September 2013

Props, Costumes and Makeup for Media Trailer

In the film trailer we are going to have to portray a variety of different age groups, people with visual scars and people without faces. To do so we are going to have to use special effects makeup, which includes Old Age Stipple, Foaming Mouth Powder, Psoriasis, Tooth Staining, Dried Blood, Liquid Blood, Eye Blood and Blood Capsules. Although we might not be able to acquire some of the items due to money issues, we can replicate the effects with household items.

For the costumes the four main characters would be dressed to better represent their character type. Mark, the main protagonist would wear basic clothing, which would appear old and dirty. Lewis, would wear formal sweatshirts and trousers with some sort of tie or glasses. Charlotte, would dress similarly to Lewis, but would appear more casual in certain aspects. And lastly, Sarah, would dress casually, yet alluring, to better portray her character. However as the trailer progresses their costumes would alter to mimic the psychotic behaviour of the patients trying to kill them. This would involve more dirt, sweat and blood added to the clothing.
The costumes of the patients would start out as basic white clothing, which would be dirty and covered in ash from the fire. However after a years time, their physical appearances would also change as well as their costumes The four patients would alter between a policeman, a inn keeper and other villagers.
The only visible makeup used on the patients would be bruising or scars added to the face.

Props used in the trailer would consist of surgical equipment, a scarecrow costume, a straight jacket (which would be made), a knife, a car (already acquired) and a newspaper. 

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