Thursday 26 September 2013

Movie Research - Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple personality disorder is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behaviour, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
An example of a horror/ thriller where the main protagonist or antagonist has multiple personality disorder is The Ward. The main character, Kristin, experiences attacks from a monstrous almost zombie like ghost, which kills off most of the other characters, however it is later revealed that the ghost and the other girls aren’t real. In order to survive her past torture, she had created different personalities, including Kristin. In fact we also find out that her real name is Alice, the girl who we are led to believe is the ghost. Alice's own personality became so overwhelmed by that of the others that she became lost. Through experimental techniques, Dr. Stringer had the zombie "Alice" killing the other personalities one by one until only her original personality remained.
For my movie trailer, I want to portray someone who has multiple personality disorder, but doesn’t realise this, so instead of being crazy he just sees glimpses of his other personalities who try to warn him, but he doesn’t know that.

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