Sunday 29 September 2013

Media Conventions in Media Trailer (Group Work)

The conventions in our film will include:

  • Blood
  • Violence
  • Weapons
  • Sadistic violence
  • The unknown
  • Fire
  • Darkness
  • A forest
  • A cornfield
  • A mental asylum
  • A group of teenagers

The use of these conventions in our film will help to define each character whilst adding some sort of emotion. The use of darkness and a village in the middle of nowhere is useful to show the isolation of the characters, as well as using that isolation to play on some of the characters madness. The sadistic violence will be effective, as it will be used to shock the audience and show the extreme nature of the patients. The use of the forest and cornfield also portrays the idea of isolation, however the location can also be used to build suspense. 
The idea of not knowing whom the killer is will be effective as it keeps the audience guessing. The use of masks has allows been effective in the horror genre. Examples of this are Friday the 13th and Halloween, which have captivated and scared millions of people through the years.
However we want our film to portray two different kinds of masks. A physical one, where the patients remove the faces of another and wear them; and lastly a mask over ones own psyche. The idea of having another identity behind the one you already have which you don’t know about will be effective in keeping the audience in suspense.   

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