Sunday 29 September 2013

Movie Plot For Trailer (With Group) - Draft 1

Lily, along with a few other mental patients are subject to dangerous experiments in an asylum.

They are desperate to stay alive and leads an escape plan which burns down the building in order to fake their own deaths and escape, they then go to the nearest village which is isolated and kill most of the locals. 

They physically replace these victims as a new form of identity and remain there. Meanwhile the victims, now without faces, are placed as scarecrows as a way to scare people away from the village.

One year later, a group of 4 teenagers make their way to the village. Mark, a bit of junkie who has received help in the past for problems, Sarah, best described as a "doll", not the most intelligent, Lewis, a "preppy", well-spoken young man, in a relationship with Sarah, and Charlotte, the journalist, quite intelligent and bossy, almost opposite to Sarah, who was very keen to investigate Asylum.

They enter the village to stay a couple of nights to explore the ruins of the asylum and decide to stay in a local B&B. Whilst looking around the house, Mark discovers an insane man, later revealed to be his former personality who was an escapee from the asylum, in the basement and warns him that the village is not what it seems and to leave, using riddles to taunt his mind. Mark goes back to retrieve two of his friends and return to the basement, but the local has gone, and the friends doubt him due to his previous hallucination habits.

They leave and go out to find Sarah but can't, and so Lewis returns to the B&B where Sarah is in their room looking out the window, Lewis goes up to hug her and in a strain of suspense, she turns around at the last second with clear fresh scars on her face and a menacing smile and he questions about her scars, meanwhile behind him we see a figure approaching with a scalpel.

Meanwhile, Mark and Charlotte explore the town a bit more and come across a completely empty local newsagent. Whilst Mark dismisses it, Charlotte looks closer at the local paper and notices the date which is the date of when the asylum was burnt down. To discover this, she pulls out the article from another newspaper reporting the event which was published the day after. She tries to think of the connection between the asylum and the village, whilst Mark seems to have flashbacks and falls to his knees. He says that he has forgotten something and can't remember.

Mark and Charlotte go looking for Lewis and Sarah. They find Lewis in a cellar along other bodies with removed faces. Whilst there, Charlotte releases him from the table and explains about the 4 escaped mental asylum patients and the villagers, Mark looks at each of the bodies and suddenly his memories start to come back to him, he then sees the insane man again in the corner of the room and he begins to talk to him. He eventually grabs Mark by the throat and throws him at the wall and is knocked unconscious.

He is awoken by Charlotte and Lewis who appear coy and worried about him. After leaving the basement, Charlotte and the rest of the group go in search for a police officer or local figure. However when they find a police officer, the man kills Lewis. Charlotte and Mark run into a corn field  where Charlotte gets separated from Mark. Unknown to the others is that Mark's old personality has taken over his previous one and is now controlling him. This new personality doesn't know who Charlotte is so instead of trying to find her runs off into a forest. Meanwhile, Charlotte calls out for Mark but is met by silence. She is then attacked from behind and dragged into the corn by an unknown figure.

Mark finds Lewis and plans to kill him as his mental personality has taken over. However Lewis is actually the policeman asylum patient and the two get into a scorpion lock, eventually Mark prevails and slices his throat and afterwards in the mind state of both of his personalities  decides to hunt down Lily.

He finds her on a path in the cornfield. She is now in the form of Charlotte, however the work performed on her face has deteriorated as she could get no assistance as her partners have been killed, explaining her extremely grotesque state. They confront each other about the events a year ago and it is at this point the audience discover Mark is actually the last surviving escapee, along with Lily. 

In a surge for revenge, the good Mark tackles her to the ground, disarms her, and holds his knife to her throat. She taunts him by pretending to be Charlotte, suggesting that he wouldn't hurt his friend that he had feelings for. Mark slowly replies by saying "You're right, I wouldn't.." but eventually continues in his other personality's voice stating "..But I would." and kills her.

The final scene shows the last forgotten escapee, still in the guise of Sarah, finding Mark's car unlocked and begins to hot-wire it. Once the engine starts, the final shot shows her beginning to smile menacingly as she did earlier in the film and then cuts to black.

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