Saturday 14 September 2013

Movie Trailer Plot: First Draft

Simon is a lonely teenage boy living with his over worked mother and abusive stepfather in a small rural community. Simon suffers from nightmares about the accident in which his best friend killed himself six months ago. Over this short period of time he began to lose himself to a world of drugs and alcohol in hopes of seeing his friend, Alex, once more. Each time Simon uses drugs he begins to see Alex, however each time he does Alex becomes more and more warped and monstrous. It gets to a point where Simon believes Alex isn’t actually dead but it instead trying to kill him.
Unlike Simon, everyone else seems to act as if nothing happened, like Alex didn’t actually die. To Simons disbelief, some even go as far as to pretend he isn’t real.
 Every so often when Simon is in school he’ll see Alex standing near him and Alex will try to speak. However each time he does nothing comes out. Simon soon meets Summer, a short thin girl, who hardly speaks. Summer, who like most girls in her school, is extremely self conscious about herself. However when Summer meets Simon she feels comfortable around him, as if he too was in pain like her. Simon begins to worry that Alex will try to hurt Summer, so instead kidnaps her and convinces her that she’s in danger. Summer begins to believe Simon and goes with him to the forest. When there Simon begins to see shapes and falls to the ground. Summer, scared and dazed tries to call for help. Simon wakes up and pins Summer to the ground, covering her mouth, whispering that she has to stay quiet. Simon grabs Summers hand and runs with her into the woods.

In the distance Simon can hear noises and the faint glow of fire breaks through from the gaps in the trees. Simon suddenly trips and knocks his head on a rock, leaving him unconscious. When he awakes he finds Summer dead – her blood soaked through his clothes. Standing next to Summer is Alex with a rock in his hand. Simon shouts at Alex and goes to attack him. Alex fights back and kicks Simon to the floor and picks up the rock and hits him over the head. We see both Simon and Summer dead, Alex no where in sight. The scene blacks out and we see Simon waking up in the middle of the forest, body perfectly normal. However both Summer and Alex are no where to be seen. There is no blood or broken twigs or fire, only Simon.

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